
  1. „Judicial control of preparatory proceeding”,
    Prokuratura i Prawo no. 9/2006

  2. „Reasons for the judgment as a charge in Polish Code of Criminal Procedure”,
    Jurysta no. 5/2007
  3. „Continuing act (Art. 12 Penal Code) vs. regulations of penal acts about counteraction of drug addiction - review jurisdiction”,
    Jurysta no. 12/2007

  4. „Case of minor importance in penal law notes de lege lata and stipulations de lege ferenda”,
    Prokuratura i Prawo no. 7-8/2008

  5. „Discomforts vendors nad purchasers of heating oil”,
    Jurysta no. 10/2008

  6. „Sellected issue of responsibility of the heating oil’s vedor in the light of penal- civil- and administrative jurisdiction”,
    Paliwa Płynne no. 3/2009
  7. Commentary on the judgment issued by the Supreme Court in 19 March 2008 r.,
    file no. II KK 347/07, OSP no. 4/2009
  8. „Legal and criminal aspects of an Act about monitoring system and controls of qualities of fuels”,
    Prokurator no. 3-4/2009
  9. „VAT invoice as an object of penal fiscal offence commitment”,
    Prokuratura i Prawo no. 5/2010
  10. Commentary on the judgment issued by the Supreme Court in 26 November 2008 r.,
    file no. II KK 79/08, OSP no. 3/2010